The Finch Weekly

The Red Throated Parrotfinch

The red throated parrotfinch is a member of a family of Estrildidae finches that is well known in captivity and contains one species that is often not recognised as a parrotfinch – the Gouldian finch.  Parrotfinches in general are colourful birds, mainly green with red, blue and other shades.  The red throated earns its name […]

Keeping and Breeding the European Goldfinch

Here in the UK, we have some lovely birds then we have some stunning birds and the European goldfinch is definitely on the list of the gorgeous ones.  Sure it might not be as bright as the American goldfinch, which really does live up to its name, but with that eye catching red face and […]

The Stunning Star Finch – Beautiful Colour for Your Aviary

There is no shortage of beautiful coloured birds in aviculture but in my opinion the stunning star finch is up there with the best of them in term of looks.  These gorgeous little green and red birds also come in a range of different shades and make a great addition to a mixed flight with […]

Small But Lively – The Red Eared Waxbill

As a rule, waxbills are interesting little birds to keep as they are very busy, always doing something and good entertainment.  The red eared waxbill is one of the smaller members of this branch of the Estrildid family tree and is every bit as lively and interesting as its slightly bigger cousins.  Here is a […]

Perfectly Purple – The Lavender Waxbill

Before I started keeping birds, if someone told me you could get a beautiful pale purple finch with a stunning red tail, I would have chuckled.  Sure, British birds are lovely but there’s nothing remotely purple about the gang.  Then I learned about the Lavender Waxbill which is definitely perfectly purple. Who is the lavender […]

Meet the Zosterops (White Eyes)

When I first started thinking about starting with softbills and whether I could properly house any in my current set up, one of the first species I was recommended were the Zosterops, more commonly known as White Eyes.  There are a number of species in the family that are found across Asia and parts of […]