The Finch Weekly

Meet The Java Finch

The Java Finch is a reasonably large finch with an impressive bright red beak and a stocky body shape and size that makes it look like one of the tough guys of the Estrildid family tree.  But this is a bird who has a nasty bite but doesn’t seem to use it all that often.  […]

The Many Types of Mannikins

Few bird keepers won’t have encountered the Bengalese or Society finch, those ever friendly and reliable little birds that are the basis of many an aviary alongside the Zebra Finch.  But how many of us know the rest of the family?  Known as the mannikins, munias or even nuns, this is a group of thirty-some […]

The Strawberry Finch

If you like your finches small and brightly coloured, friendly and interesting to watch, then the Strawberry finch will be a great one to consider.  These small three or four inch long finches are members of the same family as the equally tiny Gold Breast Waxbill and make great cage or aviary birds.  Just beware […]

Keeping the European Greenfinch

If you speak to anyone with experience keeping British birds in an aviary, they will say that the Greenfinch is one of best species to start with if you have had some experience with other birds.  These birds are frequent garden feeder visitors around the country and the male bird in particular is easy to […]

The Diamond Firetail

The Diamond Firetail is an Australian finch that dares you to ignore it – with its bright red beak, sparkling black and while flanks and forthright personality, this isn’t a quiet little finch that disappears into the bushes.  In fact, firetails have a reputation as being not the most sociable bird with other species and […]

The Pekin Robin (Red-billed leiothrix)

Like many of the common names applied to birds from around the world, the name of the Pekin Robin is more than a bit misleading.  After all, it isn’t from China but India and it isn’t a robin but one of the families classified as the laughingthrushes.   Despite it’s confusing name, this bird does […]